James Edward Frost trading as Theatre of the Small
artist theatre designer puppeteer lecturer curator

Frost, J. (2023) Animal Guising and the Kentish Hooden Horse. Birchington: Ozaru Books.
Frost, J. and Overall, S. (2020) 'Being Horse: walking as an impossible beast' in ed. Billinshurst, H., Hind, C., and Smith, P. Walking Bodies: Papers, Provocations, Actions. Axminster: Triarchy Press, pp45-55.
Frost, J. (2019) 'The Concept of Fortune in the Birth of the Tarot' in ed. Chick, J. and Paraskos, M. Othello's Island 1. Nicosia: Orage Press. pp. 73-99.
Frost, J. (2016) 'Jan Svankmajer: film as puppet theatre' in Animation Studies 11.
Frost, J. (2016) 'The Serious Game: towards a hermeneutic understanding of the tarot' in The International Journal of the Image 7 (2), pp.15-32.
Frost, J. (2013) 'Introduction' in ed. Stone, H. From Grimm to Reality. Canterbury: Sidney Cooper Gallery, pp.4-8.
Frost, J. (2012) 'The Thinking Line: Defining Drawing' in ed. Stone, H. The Thinking Line. Canterbury: Sidney Cooper Gallery, pp.8-11.
Frost, J. (2004) '100 Years-100 Puppets: Hungarian Puppet Art 1850-1950 ' in The Puppet Master 16 (2).
2023 The Kentish Hooden Horse, The Haunted Landscape conference, The Fortean Society, Conway Hall, London
2019 Being Horse: walking as an impossible beast, Walking's New Movements conference, University of Plymouth
2018 The Life and Death and Life and Death of Frank
Dr Frankenstein's Monster Reborn, CPBRA Performance Lecture Series, Sidney Cooper Gallery, Canterbury
2016 It's Behind You! The Rediscovery of Strood through Pantomime
Beyond the Centre: Arts and Humanities Faculty Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University
2016 Chance and the Readymade
Dada Fortnight, CPBRA Performance Lecture Series, Sidney Cooper Gallery, Canterbury
2016 The Concept of Fortune in the Birth of the Tarot
Othello's Island: The 4th International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Nicosia, Cyprus
2015 Jan Svankmajer: film as puppet theatre
Society for Animation Studies 27th Annual Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University
2014 The Hermeneutic Possibilities of Tarot Card Reading: Interpretation and Catharsis
5th International Conference on the Image, Common Ground Publishing, Seminaris Conference Center, Berlin
2011 Stanley Spencer’s War Memorial: a celebration of simple pleasures
Faculty of Arts & Humanities 2nd Annual Conference: War, Canterbury Christ Church University
2008 The Grand Tour as a Secular Pilgrimage
Dimensions of Pilgrimage Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University
PUBLIC LECTURES Centre for Practice-Based Research in the Arts, Sidney Cooper Gallery, Canterbury 2016 and 2018